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Etiquette for Girls Program

Cultivating Grace and Fostering Confidence

About Us

Welcome to the Etiquette for Girls Program – where grace, poise, and confidence build the path to a bright future. Our mission is to empower young girls, aged 5-13, with the life skills they need to navigate the world with elegance and excellence.

Our Journey

At the Etiquette for Girls Program, our journey started with a deep passion for helping young girls develop essential life skills and grow into elegant and excellent individuals. We recognized the importance of instilling proper etiquette from a young age, as it lays a foundation for future success in both personal and professional endeavors.


Our Curriculum

Our curriculum is designed to help young girls aged 5-13 cultivate grace, confidence, and good manners. We teach a variety of topics through role playing and active practices that focus on different aspects of social conduct.


Manners & Etiquette

    At Etiquette for Girls, we believe that good manners are the foundation of positive social interactions and lasting impressions. Our program covers everything from basic politeness to dining etiquette, ensuring young ladies carry themselves with grace and poise in every situation. Through interactive lessons and practical exercises, we instill the importance of being polite and demonstrating respect towards others. 


Leadership & Communication

Our Leadership and Communication program empowers young girls to become confident leaders and effective communicators in all aspects of their lives.  We focus on developing strong verbal and non-verbal communication skills, and the ability to inspire and motivate others. Through role-playing, team projects, and public speaking exercises, participants learn to articulate their ideas clearly, listen actively, and lead with empathy and integrity. 


Confidence & Self-Esteem

Our Confidence and Self-Esteem topics focuses on helping young girls build a positive self-image and develop healthy self-esteem. We believe that this is essential for success and happiness in life. We believe that true self-confidence comes from knowing your worth, and we are dedicated to helping each girl recognize and nurture her unique talents and qualities.

Soccer Player

Kindness & Empathy

We teach young girls the importance of kindness, empathy, and compassion. Through interactive sessions, storytelling, and community service projects, participants learn the value of putting themselves in others' shoes and the impact of small acts of kindness. We believe that these values are essential for creating a more peaceful and harmonious world.


Respect & Tolerance

Our Respect and Tolerance program focuses on teaching young girls the importance of respecting others and promoting diversity and tolerance. We encourage girls to appreciate differences, challenge stereotypes, and stand up against discriminative behaviors. At Etiquette for Girls, we are committed to building a community where everyone is respected and valued for who they are, and these values are essential for creating a more inclusive and equitable society. 


Public Speaking

Our Public Speaking sessions teaches participants how to effectively organize their thoughts, engage their audience, and deliver compelling speeches with clarity and conviction. Whether it's speaking in class, presenting at a competition, or simply sharing an opinion, we provide the tools and practice opportunities to help young ladies become articulate and passionate communicators, ready to make their mark on the world.

Happy Parents and Confident Girls

“Etiquette for Girls has been a life-changing experience for my daughter. She has gained so much confidence and grace, and I couldn't be happier.”

Linda B.

Follow us @efg_program

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